Inqua Rome congress – seeking abstract submissions

Inqua Rome congress – seeking abstract submissions

25/07/2022 Perigeo 0
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Inqua is the International Union for Quaternary research and its aim is to contribute to the development of Quaternary science worldwide, by promoting international scientific collaborations.

Every 4 years, Inqua organizes a general congress and the next one will be held in Rome in July 2023. Our group is active since a while in Inqua activities: Alessandro Michetti has been president of the Terpro (Terrestrial Processes) commission, while during the current intercongress period (2019-2023), Franz Livio is leading the Edith project and Francesca Ferrario is Early Career Representative for Terpro and has been chair of the ECR Committee in 2019-2021.

In the Rome congress, we will be active on multiple fronts as well: we invite contributions to one of the sessions we are co-leading:

Don’t miss the November 1st deadline, submit your work here!

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